Humanities PhD Graduates: Desperately Seeking Careers?
Lynn McAlpine, Nichole Austin
New Universities’ Organizational Identities Through Presidential Lenses
John S. Levin, Ariadna I. López Damián, Marie C. Martin, Evelyn M. Vázquez
Knowledge Mobilization as a Tool of Institutional Governance: Exploring Academics’ Perceptions of “Going Public”
Kate Cain, Krystle Shore, Crystal Weston, Carrie B Sanders
Counsellor-in-Residence: Evaluation of a Residence-Based Initiative to Promote Student Mental Health
Tiffany Anne Beks, Sharon L Cairns, Serena Smygwaty, Olga A.L. Miranda Osorio, Sheldon J Hill
Predictors of Student Success in Canadian Polytechnics and CEGEPs
Heather L. Ramey, Heather L. Lawford, Heather Chalmers, Yana Lakman
Academic Drift in Canadian Institutions of Higher Education: Research Mandates, Strategy, and Culture
Lane D. Trotter, Amy Mitchell
“Hungry for an Education”: Prevalence and Outcomes of Food Insecurity Among Students at a Primarily Undergraduate University in Rural Nova Scotia
Lesley Frank
Experiences of Food Insecurity Among Undergraduate Students: “You Can’t Starve Yourself Through School”
Merryn Sanders Maynard, Samantha B Meyer, Christopher M Perlman, Sharon I Kirkpatrick
Levels and Prevalence of Mental Health Functioning in Canadian University Student-Athletes
Krista J. Van Slingerland, Natalie Durand-Bush, Scott Rathwell
Beyond Face Value: A Policy Analysis of Employment Equity Programs and Reporting in Ontario Public Colleges
Shani Kipang, Daniyal Zuberi